UNESCO Tentative List Delivered - Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Serbia) Due to the adopted nomination Strategy for the Frontiers of the Roman Empire Europe (documents whc17-41com-8B-Add-en and whc17-41com-18-en) 4 state … [Read more...]

Rimski Limes u Srbiji na preliminarnoj Listi svetske baštine Centar za svetsku baštinu u aprilu 2015. godine prihvatio je obrazac tentativnog lista „Frontiers of the Roman Empire – the Danube Limes in Serbia“ i postavio ga na … [Read more...]
Danube Limes Day at Viminacium 5. July 2014. Proslavu su obeležili mali hokejaši Partizana i koncert braće Teofilović. Concert - Brothers Teofilović Games of Young Romans - how to have fun in antiquity Children … [Read more...]
In Archaeological Park Viminacium 30. June 2014 Mammoth park was officially opened. Park was opened by the president of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić US ambassador in Belgrade his excellency Michael D. Kirby. … [Read more...]
Tokom vikenda 21-22. juna 2014. u Riminiju je obeležen Dan dunavskog limes (Danube Limes Day). Događaju je prisustvovalo više stotina posetilaca, a u Gradskom muzeju Riminija održana je i jednodnevna konferencija na kojoj su učesnici … [Read more...]